Common Problems Logging
Here is a brief list of common problems experienced
while logging in and how to fix them.
» I do not know my username
A good guess is your first initial and lastname (example John
Smith would be jsmith). Unfortunately, that is not true for
all employees. If that does not work, go through the
"Can't find your Password?" process and after you change
your Password you will be told your username. You can find that
screen here.
» I do not know my Password
The best way to fix this problem is to go through
the "Can't find your Password?" process and verify your
information. You will not be able to lookup your current Password,
but you will be able to set a new Password.
If that does not work, you can call IT (x7093) and they can
look up your Password.
» I am locked out
The best way to fix this problem is to go through the "Can't
find your Password?" process. When you successfully change
your Password, your account will be unlocked.
If that does not work, you can call IT (x7093) and they will
unlock your account.
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